Book Addiction?
Question by beingkristine: Book addiction?
I have found books to be my drug. Whenever I get depressed or stresses of life get to be too much, I reach for a book.
I started reading in 3rd grade and I am an excellent reader, and I get emotionally attached to all the characters in my book. It physically hurts me when a book series ends and I have to say goodbye to the characters and the adventures. I get depressed and then reach for another book series.
I always read fantasy books because I want to go to a place where common day troubles are forgotten, because when I read, I feel like I am actually there.
For example, I just finished reading ‘Gregor and the Code of Claw’ which is a fantasy about a boy who goes to an underground world and is the warrior. I’ve already read this book about 2 times before, and when ever I re-read it, it’s like reopening a wound, and saying goodbye to that world again. This happens with all my books that end.
I know this is getting to be a problem, so how can I stop this addiction?
Books I read aren’t sad. Some of them have happy endings or are comedies, but it’s just that it hurts to say goodbye to them. It’s almost like having a friend that would allow you to escape the world and then saying bye. And when I re-read, it’s like seeing your friend again and then saying goodbye all over again.
Best answer:
Answer by Molly Mullet
That is one of the healthiest coping mechanisms I’ve heard of. There is no real problem there, books can be great therapy, I read a lot too.
Answer by Bob
This is not an addiction, and is not a bad thing either.
Not only is this a common escape for many people, the attachment you describe is also a common one. The good news is that you can move right into another series right after the one ends.
Keep on reading!
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