Any Word on the CD47 Cure? and Progress?
Question by Gend: Any word on the CD47 cure? And progress?
Here is more information on it from March 2012 :
Any recent news?
Best answer:
Answer by Tiny
The last I heard it was still in preliminary “workup” stages at Stanford. They are still trying to sort out it’s entire mechanism on the bench and in lab animals (rats/mice), it is in the peer review stages right now, and I would imagine it is at least 5-6 years from any sort of clinical trials yet. This does sound like a very promising adjunct therapy and I hope it works out for the best.
Answer by Tarkarri
From the tim when a substance is discovered to have potential until it reached the stage where it is released as safe and useful to the public generally takes 10 – 15 years.
State officials look commonwealth's drug problem in the eye
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Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD), the world's largest maker of HIV medicines, said insurers have responded favorably over coverage of its new hepatitis C drug, which has a price tag of $ 84,000 for a 12-week course of treatment. The medicine's ability to …
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