Amanda Bynes Is Free, Her Bong Remains at Large

Amanda Bynes Is Free, Her Bong Remains At Large

Filed under: free drug and alcohol rehabs

I think she's struggling to let go of the spotlight, I was serious about "Former Child Star Rehab". OryxHeartsCrake. Does anyone else think this is an act of performance art by a faded child actress who needs to revive her film career? I think it may …
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Rob Ford: “I Do Not Use Crack Cocaine”

Filed under: free drug and alcohol rehabs

(4) If Towhey didn't tell you to go to rehab why was he fired? (5) Why is your … (9) Given that you were, I'll be polite, less than forthcoming about your drug and alcohol problems in Florida how do we know you don't currently smoke crack? How do we …
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Thrift stores fund rehab ministry

Filed under: free drug and alcohol rehabs

The nondenominational Center of Hope Church of Anniston operates a rehabilitation program for men and women addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography and other disorders. Pastor Garry Burns began the program after he found it difficult to …
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