A So Called “Christian” Sent Me This in an Email?
Question by thatartistwin: A so called “Christian” sent me this in an email?
……(Statistics show….homosexuality…leads to higher rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, and crime including domestic violence and murder.)
How can people like him who profess to love God and want to spread goodness and peace make up and spread such false information? By the way, before assumptions are made, I am a middle aged heterosexual woman.
Best answer:
Answer by zyogle
We all know it’s true if a Christian said it… Right?
What do you think? Answer below!
The tobacco seduction of our children
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
In it, the author, Dr Ellen Campbell Grizzle, director, Information and Research, National Council on Drug Abuse, and national coordinator, Global Youth Tobacco Survey, revealed several startling facts about cigarette smoking and the young. The (self …
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'Well, good golly Miss Molly, you're rocking and rolling'
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He said the emergence of MDMA references in the genre could be part of racial identity in the U.S., and songs about taking or selling drugs are part of an expected narrative within black culture. Bagaason also offered up the theory that Molly's sudden …
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Eight drug apps for your smartphone that you can absolutely live without
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There is also useful information for professionals about relevant legislation, about the National Drugs Plan, the National Strategy and the various other action plans across the country, as well as statistics and indicators concerning drug use nationwide.
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