Why Are So Many People Comitting Suicide?

Question by Bubbles: Why are so many people comitting suicide?
Or attempting to?

The mother of a 16 year old girl (friends with my little cousin) found the girl hung herself in her bedroom on New Year’s Eve. And, two other people I know have attempted. What causes people to be this way? Is it financial stress? Unhappiness? Are they trying to find a way out? If they’re trying to find a way out, they’re going about it the wrong way. It’s so sad.

Best answer:

Answer by Nate
There can be so many reasons. It can be financial stress, relationship or friendship trouble, not liking themselves but mainly because all of this leads to them being unhappy. Also if people hear about others committing suicide it can lead to suicidal thoughts in themselves.

Answer by iychick51
suicide rates go up in the winter because of “seasonal depression”. So a lot of people are unaware why they are so depressed and it drives them to the point of suicide. this can happen at any age.

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