Insult to Vermont

Insult to Vermont
To Rolling Stone magazine: Shame on you. I am a Vermonter and was once a maple syrup producer with my husband. You have a lot of gall in using a Vermont maple syrup can and a sugar maker shooting drugs to highlight the drug problem in Vermont.
Read more on Barre Montpelier Times Argus

Fertility drugs not tied to long term breast cancer risk
Overall, women who were exposed to either type of fertility drug were no more likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn't use the medicines to stimulate ovulation. The researchers did find an increased risk of breast cancer among a small …
Read more on Chicago Tribune (blog)

Ravers from Gillingham and Chatham arrested at Leas Cliff Hall in Folkestone
PC Chris Stephens, Licensing Officer, said: "We've seen from previous events that drug-use can lead to hospital admissions and is also associated with violence and other crime. "We work closely with licensees to ensure people can socialise safely and …
Read more on Kent Online

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