Allegations of Racehorse Abuse Being Investigated – KTTC
Allegations of racehorse abuse being investigated – KTTC
Allegations of racehorse abuse being investigated
KTTC Investigators are trying to determine if a suspect's path of bloodshed started with the slaying of an elderly Oregon man. They know it ended with his death in a police shootout on the Northern California coast,…More >>. Investigators are trying to … |
austin texas drug abuse – Google News
Toddler Given 6 Shots Of Vodka: Cops – Huffington Post
Toddler Given 6 Shots Of Vodka: Cops
Huffington Post Two Texas women face serious charges after allegedly giving a toddler six shots of vodka. The child's mother, 17-year-old Shadreon Jefferson, and the victim's aunt, 24-year-old Shamara Batiste, were both charged with felony child endangerment … |
austin texas drug abuse – Google News
Killeen veteran hopeful as study on marijuana for PTSD gets green light – MyFox Austin
Killeen veteran hopeful as study on marijuana for PTSD gets green light
MyFox Austin Since then Bass has been the Director of Veterans Outreach for "Texas NORML"– a group that lobbies for the legalization of marijuana. "Every veteran who has used cannabis as an alternative to medication, to opiates and to psychotropic drugs testifies … |