Women With Asthma Take Longer to Start a Family: New Study of 15000 Twins

Women with asthma take longer to start a family: New study of 15000 twins

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

The risk of a delay in conceiving significantly increased in women with untreated asthma – rising to 30 per cent compared with 24 per cent of those receiving treatment. The researchers found a trend toward greater fertility problems among older women, …
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Can President Obama Get Back In The Game After Health Care 'Fumble'?

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

MINKOFF: So – yeah, so more germane is I actually worked for a health insurance company and I was a commissioner for the Group Insurance Commission in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And the short …. And then to act all contrite and to say that he …
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Rob Ford's reckoning begins: Fiorito

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

Yes, just as it was wrong to use the occasion as a first step in his rehab. The mayor's office is now selling Rob Ford bobblehead dolls, and … But Ma Ford will have a legacy, no matter what happens now; hers is Shakespearean: Lady Macbeth: “Screw …
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