Clayton Co. Officer Accused of Conspiring With Drug Dealer

Clayton Co. officer accused of conspiring with drug dealer

Filed under: drug abuse help center in east point ga

The FBI said Penn and suspected drug dealer Adrian Austin, also known as "Meech," scouted a DeKAlb County shopping center on Tuesday and agents set a plan to arrest Penn in motion the following day. A report filed by the FBI agent in charge of the …
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Union Gospel Mission: Opposing viewpoints, follow-up and photos

Filed under: drug abuse help center in east point ga

I think it's important for people to read this point of view, since my depiction of the experience probably more closely mirrors that of the men who did not enjoy their stays at the UGM. I've also been told that I'll be hearing … violence and abuse …
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Krauthammer: Obama miscalculation on Syria could result in 'major regional war

Filed under: drug abuse help center in east point ga

In his column published in Friday's Washington Post, Krauthammer alluded to the “guns of August,” a reference to 1914 and the build-up that led to the start of World War I. That reference was a comparison to the current situation in Middle East …
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