Heroin Making Return in Larger Tenn. Cities

Heroin making return in larger Tenn. cities

Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia

Debbie Loudermilk, director of outpatient services for the Council for Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services, says prescription pill abuse still is still the main reason for most of the admissions to programs but there is a "slight increase" in the number of …
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Insurer Says It Was Tricked Into Covering Scientology Clinic

Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia

Narconon of Georgia is part of Narconon International, a drug rehab program developed by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. According to court documents, program participants follow a nutritional regime and read required literature. Narconon …
Read more on Law360 (subscription)


The Extension: Combating Chemical Dependence, Homelessness in Cobb

Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia

“The success of the program is based on the concept of long-term residential treatment adding a 'real life' component of practicing newly acquired productive, responsible behaviors in the 'real world,'” John Bremner, Director of Recovery Services …
Read more on Patch.com


California's Dubious Course on Prison Crowding

Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia

Republicans also control statehouses in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, among others, which have embraced drug rehabilitation and sentencing reform with positive results. Democrats, traditionally more … Steinberg denounced the Brown plan and …
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