Do We Have the Right to Abuse Personal Property Particularly Pets?
Question by Quasi: Do we have the right to abuse personal property particularly pets?
What are pets? Are they property? If they are do people have the right to abuse their property (houses, cars, clothing, appliances, pets)? If you disagree with pet abuse do people have the right to abuse their unborn children? (Since it has been scientifically proven unborn children are their own entity and not a “piece of their parent”) Or are unborn children less than pets? If so what should be the legal action if you cause an unborn child to die against its owner’s will? If they are less than pets is any form of monetary restitution required?
(Sorry for the length please share you opinion answer whatever you feel most comfortable with.)
Best answer:
Answer by Nicole
Wow, um babies and pets should not be abused. You should also never be around either
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