Attention Gay Men: Our Choices Are Killing Us

Attention Gay Men: Our Choices Are Killing Us

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

On the CDC website, it's noted that gay and bisexual men are still most impacted by HIV/AIDS and syphilis, that they suffer higher rates of substance abuse, that they are more likely to drink heavily later into life, and that they are more likely to …
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Natasha Wilson, Steven Mages arrested after police pursuit Mon. –

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

Wilson was charged with two counts of receiving stolen property, failure to comply, drug abuse instruments and had five outstanding warrants. She was taken to the Hamilton County Justice Center and had her bond set at $ 37,000 during an arraignment on …
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iPhone app helps parents talk to their kids about drugs

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

The Talk Sooner iPhone app gives families information about drug trends and tips for talking to teens about drug abuse. The informational tool … "They don't have to wait until they get home to log onto the Talk Sooner website," she said. Although the …


Pair accused in Canada Day bomb plot remain a mystery

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

License; AA. Much of the story of John Nuttall and Amanda Korody remains a mystery. In Victoria, they lived a volatile life of drug addiction and heavy metal shows. … “I can't help you,” he said, closing the door. Ms. Korody, in her late 20s, has …
Read more on Globe and Mail