Forget the Russians: The Drug Cartels Are Coming
Forget the Russians: The drug cartels are coming
Filed under: Drug Use Texas
This is largely because the sole supply of legal research-grade marijuana is under control of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, whose mandate is to prevent drug abuse, not research medical benefits. Whatever. Getting back to distribution, I dug up …
Read more on Los Angeles Times
Gregg County jail lawsuit over; ways to prevent similar deaths elusive
Filed under: Drug Use Texas
Two years later, no ways have been determined to prevent similar deaths or stop the increasing use of jail cells to hold those with mental health disorders or other illnesses. “Something like this should scare people to make … When stopped, Cowling …
Read more on Longview News-Journal
DA Anderson reverses "trace case" policy
Filed under: Drug Use Texas
The policy angered police officers in Harris County who could no longer file felony charges against crack-cocaine users caught with crack pipes and other paraphernalia that had only drug residue. Anderson said Lykos was ignoring the law. He was …
Read more on Houston Chronicle